How to Live Castle Life in Spiez, Switzerland

Spiez, Switzerland, located on the south bank of Lake Thun is a beautiful area to visit in the summer. We went in August and only visited for a day, but the scenery absolutely blew me away. Below I’ve listed a few reasons to make this part of your next visit to Switzerland.

1. Iconic Chalets on the Lake

Lake Thun

We took a boat ride from Interlaken to Spiez, which gave us incredible views of the lakeside chalets. Also, the water is actually this blue! The pictures do not even do this region justice.

2. Spiez Castle (Schloss Spiez)

This castle is deceiving because it’s not the most grand, but there is actually a lot to see tucked away in here! There were even some rooms dedicated to artifacts that you could interact with. This was great because normally you can only see artifacts behind glass, but during our visit we were able to feel the weight of armor pieces. They also had a jousting scenario set up in a room. Make it your goal to find this fun interactive display!

When this castle is open, from May to October, you can tour the castle and grounds as well as a museum section. We thought they did a great job with the balance of preserving the history and presenting features in an interactive way.  As an aside, I believe this area also has something for wine lovers. We did not investigate, but there is some kind of wine-making facility for those who are interested. Check the castle website for specifics.

This last trip was a quick one, but I hope to go back and stay a bit longer next time. Perhaps the next visit will be in the winter to see Lake Thun in a different light! 

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