Death Valley National Park - How to Survive It

Zabriskie Point

I definitely have a LOVE/HATE relationship with this area. Firstly, I will go through the high points that we enjoyed so you can add them to your list. Then, I will outline the things we didn’t love so that you can decide how you want to plan your visit.

Important note: I went in May and it was brutally hot (even for May), so plan to go at a time when it’s not too miserable. 

What We Loved – Death Valley:

1) Zabriskie Point

Zabriskie Point

This view was unlike anything I’ve ever seen and it’s by far one of my favorite spots in the park.  It’s especially great in the morning light.

2) Dante’s View

Dante's View - Death Valley

This spot allows you to look out over the valley from above. It’s quite the serene place.

3) Furnace Creek Visitor Center Movie

Furnace Creek Visitor Center - Death Valley

I would recommend the film at the Furnace Creek Visitor Center. We learned a lot about the history and culture of the valley.

4) Artist’s Rock

Artist's Rock - Death Valley

This is a colorful bit of land. Thanks minerals!

5) Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes

Sand Dunes - Death Valley

Although it was extremely hot and I could only be outside for a minute or so before overheating, these sand dunes are fun to explore. Rumor has it a certain sci-fi film used these dunes when filming shots for the planet of Tatooine.

6) Devils Golf Course

Devils Golf Course - Death Valley

The salt formations were very unique. However, you don’t need much time here.

7) The Wildlife

Desert Turtle

For being in the middle of the desert, this park had a lot of wildlife

8) Badwater Basin

Badwater Basin - Death Valley

This spot is neat because it’s the lowest point in North America. We didn’t walk all the way out, but part of the way out was fun. 

9) Red Rock Canyon State Park

Red Rock Canyon State Park

Although this is 2 hours away from the park, we enjoyed the rock formations here! If you will pass it on the way, it’s definitely worth a stop

What You Could Pass On:

The Ranch at Death Valley – Hotel & Ice Cream Parlor

The Ice Cream Parlor at the Ranch

I had to include this because it is a record for me: the most expensive hot dog I’ve ever seen. 

Let me back up a bit. We made the mistake of staying at the Ranch at Death Valley and were greeted by cockroaches in our room. As if that was not bad enough, we went to get dinner and the options were all super expensive and mediocre tasting. 

The hot dog was just a regular hot dog, but for $21. I know it’s the middle of the desert, but still, not ideal.

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